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Omstilling Jakob Kaalund

Jakob Kaalund (Semler Gruppen A/S)

Jakob Kaalund er 9. gæst i Omstilling og er manden der har været med til at drive Semler Gruppens digitale transformation indenfor digital læring. Afsnittet er en grundig gennemgang af blended learning og kan i den grad bruges af nybegynder, øvede og erfarne L&D & HR.

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Create learning that is actually being used...

Get in touch with one of our learning experts and get tools to build effective and engaging learning, training, and development. 

Create learning that is actually being used...

Get in touch with one of our learning experts and get tools to build effective and engaging learning, training, and development. 

Create learning that is actually being used...

Get in touch with one of our learning experts and get tools to build effective and engaging learning, training, and development.